Saturday, December 7, 2013

Harry Styles and Niall

 Horan Sick:

Why Harry Missed 'SNl' 


There's been some buzz that Harry Stylesis sick and missed out on SNL rehearsal the other day, and now it appears Harry had a doctor visit him. A doctor that makes house calls--well for 1D, of course.

We hope it's nothing serious!

Then again, with his date night with Zach Braff the same day he missed rehearsal, we're guessing it's probably not a big deal.

And the show always must go on, so we'd never guess that he would miss an appearance on Saturday Night Live, no matter how sick.

Given the guys' busy schedule, we're not surprised they would become ill--that can run anyone down.

Even Niall Horan seems to be battling a cold, with tweets about being stuffy and feeling sick, as he tweeted yesterday: "I hate being sick !"

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