One Direction's Harry Styles Heavily Interrogated On His Sex Number: 'Less Than 100'
It's definitely less than 100…
That's the line on Harry Styles' enticing GQ cover (you can click hereto see it for yourself).
The British version of the men's magazine released five different covers of their September 2013 issue, giving each One Direction man their own showcase. But it's Harry's cover that's causing the most controversy, probably much to the story reporter's delight.
You see, the cover claims Harry's "up all night to get lucky" and teases the number of his sexual partners. When you read deeper, however, you learn Harry has essentially been cornered by this reporter. And loyal Directioners are not happy.
The article reads:
"It comes as no surprise that Styles is, of course, fiercely protected by the 1D team. And as I'm waiting to meet the three remaining members, I get the distinct impression that the whole group-interview scenario is more for Styles' benefit than anyone else. Of course, the gods have a punchy way to deliver happenstance. And this morning for GQ at least, it comes in the form of a road-traffic accident inside the Blackwall Tunnel, the main traffic artery from inner London to the O2. This means that although Harry made it through, the other two, Louis and Zayn, are held up. Harry is, at least for a glimmer, all by himself, alone."
So now, with HarBear all to himself, he's able to probe the mind of 1D's sensitive romantic — much, much harder than Harry would like. The bisexual questioning was just the beginning.
GQ: Do you know how many people you’ve slept with?Harry: I know the number of people I’ve slept with, yes.GQ: What is that number?Harry: I’m definitely not telling you!GQ: Can you give me a rough, ballpark figure?Harry: No!GQ: Say “yes" or “no". Less than 100?Harry: No!GQ: So higher than 100?Harry: No, it’s definitely less than 100…GQ: Lower than 50?Harry: Yes, lower than 50.GQ: Lower than 30?Harry: I’m not doing this! You’re cornering me!GQ: Come on you’re a rock star. OK, less than ten.Harry: Yes. Two people. I’ve only ever had sex with two people.GQ: I don’t believe you.Harry: Well, that’s my answer. Read from it what you will!
Umm… we're all for juicy journalism, but this seems a bit much, no?
Eventually, the other boys arrive, much to the dismay of the reporter as the article reads:
"At this point, Zayn and Louis walk in. Which is a pity, as Harry is just getting into his stride. He's confident and can handle himself well."
And despite the others' discussion of groupie love, the reporter paints the overall story to hail Harry as king, giving the others the shaft when it comes to career importance.
So while the reporter prodded Mr. Styles, it seems like he's just as much in love with him as we are!! Best plot twist ever?? LOLz!